The Atheist and Freethinkers meet Entropy

In a room with a door that says Knowledge are quite a few Atheist and free thinkers who ruminate as to the state of the lock on the door.

A child of God walks in and before anyone could say a word the door opens and the child walks through.

Now it is a room of quite a few atheist and free thinkers who question if reality can be fixed to subjective observation regarding the door.

Suddenly one of the free thinkers rise up to approach the door. Joy appears on his face as the door opens and they go through it.

Now part of the room are fixed on the question of transcendent joy, part on subjective observation and part on the purpose for the word knowledge inscribed on the door.

One has concluded that they are satisfied enough with there evidence and commits suicide.

Now the room is a buzz with ruminations on subjective observation, door locks, reality, the unlikelihood of transcendence and a putrefying odor of death.

Suddenly a few of them are aware that there are four people at the corners of the room who hold with them the light source they need to be able to see the door at all.

A small few in the group want to go for the door. But this time it does not open and none want to put down what is in there hands to grasp the knob with.

Hands full of the riches they had did not seem to buy them any way to open the door without loss of there goods.

Now there are those standing around the door smelling the bad odor and peering at the door knob mechanism while ruminations on all the reality around them continued.

A lamp holder approaches the door and some drop all and go through the door with the light bearer.

There now seems to an appeal by the cult of the dead one that adding to the stench is preferable to smelling it.. Observation tells them that one can not exit carrying anything. It’s soundly denied that the ones who go through the door appear to be naked as the child who first went through.

Order in the room is now approaching panic as two more lamp holders are missing and so absorbed in debate a time for critical analysis can not be given to what happened.

Now the room has focused on how little light there is upon which to study the nature of what seems to be happening. some want to declare they see just fine while others are in a committee of fear and loathing about the door.

As all the rational events are being documented under the appalling light conditions those who see into the room make out with greater clarity what is on the other side. Most of these rush though the door.

The final light bearer leaves and the darkness blinds everyone. Then it is herd there are those who have had lamps with them but now can not see to find the fuel. Cries of confession are heard in the utter darkness as the lamp bearers are found out as not being prepared to light the room.

In a pitch black room of white noise, entropy clams dominion.